Archive for the ‘פודקאסט’ Category

Still I Call

יום שלישי, פברואר 2nd, 2021


TTTO "The Sparrow" by Beth Kinderman

Can you remind me what purpose are we serving?
I’m not sure I know the difference anymore.
Is it the road that I had struggled not to travel
Or the voice that called me onwards to explore?

I had a plan: how to save the world from ending
I thought I knew it all and understood
But I’m just a voice reading someone else’s statement
And naught I ever did did any good

Oh hear my cry,
Hear my terror and elation
Hear the words wrought to explain what can have no explanation
The Eye of the watcher,
We suffer and it sees it all –
But still I call, still I call, still I call…

We sought for knowledge and worked to meet the challenge
To keep safe the existence of mankind
We marched ahead, though we knew not what was happening:
We left our own humanity behind

There was no help to defeat what we were facing:
Atrocities beyond the know of man
Now that we know how this story will be ending
Perhaps we should have stopped when we began.

Oh hear my cry,
Hear my terror and elation
Hear the words wrought to explain what can have no explanation
The Eye of the watcher,
We suffer and it sees it all –
But still I call, still I call, still I call…

They took away one more person that I cared for
As though he was some nothing to discard
I matched my strength with the forces of the Lonely
Went in knowingly and came back with small and scarred

There is no hope in terror of the Beings,
Just the horror of the new world they will make
So I must ask: could I kept it all from happening,
If I just had the common sense to break?

Come now, Eye,
Flesh, Corruption, Desolation,
All who know and do not understand –
We’re lost in translation.
Their grasp on the world holds,
They’re coming and we’ve lost it all
But still I call, still I call, still I call…

Jonah gloating at the panopticon

יום שלישי, פברואר 2nd, 2021


TTTO: "Prince Ali (Jafar's reprise)" from Disney's aladin

Archivist! oh I have missed our little meetings
You’ve been gone, trav'ling so long; here, finally.
The world is ruined, and I
Now reign, beloved of the Eye,
So won’t you join me in ruling eternally?

You refuse? Oh well, I’m used to disappointment.
That’s to say, I’ll have my way eventually.
You know, it’s safe to assume
Your charming efforts are doomed.
What’s done to the world cannot be reversed,
You think this is bad? Well, just wait for worse,
As I gut reality, the finality
Of my schemes you will see:
You all must bow to me!

Archival Worker Song

יום שלישי, פברואר 2nd, 2021

TTTO: Great Big Sea’s version of Process Man


Oh, please go, just go,
He’ll bind your very soul
And every day you’re in this place, you’re nearer eaten whole.
Won’t you go?

Well an Archivist am I, and you cannot tell me lies,
Despite my will I’m serving still the foul whims of the Eye
By the scars he’s left upon me and the grey that’s in my hair,
I promise you, all that you do will not escape its stare.

Oh, please go, just go,…

I’ve been held by a mannequin until my spirit broke,
I've crawled beneath creation to the very heart of Choke.
I’ve had worms inside my every limb, near lost my hand to burns;
Amidst the wrath, he sits and laughs. It makes my stomach turn.

Oh, please go, just go,…

It seems like one more office job. I really wish it was.
Instead he makes us give our lives to some unholy cause.
Please learn from our mistakes. There is no way to quit this crew.
For every day you take his pay, he’ll take what’s left of you.

Oh, please go, just go,…