
By: Tamir Buchshtav
TTTo: Angie by the Rolling Stones


Angel, Angel
?When will the powers disappear
Angel, Angel
?Where are you going from here
With the Heavens calling down
And the demons back in town
It was us against the world
Angel, Angel
You can't leave me in the cold

Angel, you're wonderful, yeah
And I don't want to say goodbye
Angel, You're my rival
Remember all those plots we've tried
On this Earth we roamed so far
Watching mortal, beast and star
All the plans we've worked to stir
Angel, Angel
?Where are you going from here

Oh, Angel, I don't weep
Though my heart begins to rip
Won't spoil that hope within your eyes
But Angel, Angel
I don't want to say goodbye, yeah

With the Heavens calling down
And the demons back in town
It was us against the world
Angel, you're my partner, Angel
E'en the end of days together foiled
You are the one who understood me most
We've got plans yet to uphold
Angel, Angel
It was good to be on earth
Angel, Angel
You can't leave me in the cold

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