Helium's Inert

מאת: תמיר בוכשטב
למנגינת (ותשובה ישירה ל) Hydrogen Burns של Cat Faber

Get off your high horse, you've got no need to preach,
It's no longer true what you're trying to teach,
Every new deckhand you ask will assert,
Airships are safer, ’cause helium's inert!

Helium's inert; we've revised all the codes,
It doesn't ignite, and it never explodes.
Progress keeps marching, let this part sink in,
Flying's less likely to cost you your skin!

Go down to the mess hall and sample the pot,
You will notice the dinner you get there is hot,
The stove is aflame, and the food is fresh-cooked,
Morale is high, there's no need to be spooked!

Helium's inert; we've revised all the codes,
It doesn't ignite, and it never explodes.
Progress keeps marching, let this part sink in,
Flying's less likely to cost you your skin!

I know what you're thinking—tradition is good,
The rules of the past shouldn't change like your mood,
Well I'm sympathetic. No really, I am,
But times are a-changing, we must change with them.

Helium's inert; we've revised all the codes,
It doesn't ignite, and it never explodes.
Progress keeps marching, let this part sink in,
Flying's less likely to cost you your skin!

Flying is stressful, with danger a-filled,
There's pirates, and air sharks, and engineer guilds,
Smoke keeps me calm, and that evens our keel,
So lay off the preaching, we've both had our fill!

Helium's inert; we've revised all the codes,
It doesn't ignite, and it never explodes.
Progress keeps marching, let this part sink in,
Flying's less likely to cost you your skin!

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