don't forget to wash your hands

Do not forget to wash your hands

It puts us all in danger

You will be given reprimands

And scowling looks from strangers.

If you don't have a sink, it's wise

To do your best to sanitize…

Do not forget to wash your hands.

And mind your manners, lest illness overtake the land,

And don't forget to wash your hands!

Make proper use of PPE

To stave away diseases

Take off your gloves when you go pee

Put masks on for your sneezes!

And though you're lonely and upset

Don't buy any mosquito nets…

Make proper use of gloves and masks.

And mind your manners…

Do not go out into the street

Unless you have good reason

Except for meds or food to eat

Just wait until next season.

If seven hundred folks get sick

You'd be known as a giant prick…

Do not go out into the street.

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