the web-owl

TTTO: the were-owl, by SJ Tucker
Look long enough into the posts on any website:
All the pictures look alike.
They all highlight joy one way or another,
Ever chasing likes.
Everyone longs for attention, for the spotlight
Lovers more than most at times.
You've sought for joy where few have ever found it,
Captured still in shining smiles.
User, log in and stay a while.
Take care what you find
when you're scrolling down
On your Android at night
And who, who, who is it there reflected in the darkened screen
And how, how, how can you make
The pictures show the proper image,
So it's right for who you are within?
I've heard this said: only fools will chase approval
From some strangers who don't care.
Foolish the heart that hangs on interactions
With the posts it shares.

One moment it's bliss, then despair comes in the next one –
You've been in this place before.
Neurotransmitters that drown your better reason
Leave you wanting so much more.
You're only a product inside some store.
And who, who, who is it, scared to log off, miss a single post?
And how, how, how can you find
Any peace of mind inside this onslaught,
Know you're keeping up – but at what cost?

shifting netscapes, dying memes:
media's never what it seems.
what is this upon the screen?
highlights, not behind the scenes.

who, who, who is it dares to look beyond and call their bluff?
and how, how, how can you learn
not to hope for airbrushed false perfection,
be the you you are, and that's enough

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