Archive for פברואר, 2009

הרס עירוני

יום שלישי, פברואר 17th, 2009

הרס עירוני
מבוסס על "ערב עירוני" של נתן אלתרמן, לחן של יוני רכטר

שקיעה שרופה בין הגגות
אספלט שבור מלמטה
עיני שורדים נוגות, נוגות
אומרות להרס למה באת

הפנסים עומדים כולם
כמו שלד עץ חסר מנוח
ומחכים בלאט,דומם
לזיכרון של אור וכח

Fly Little Bird

שבת, פברואר 14th, 2009
Fly Little Bird

TTTO Seanan McGuire's "Fly Little Bird".
When I first listened to that song, I was absolutely sure it was going to be about GRRM's "A Song of Ice and Fire". To my surprise, it wasn't. So I wrote this.

Fly little bird, fly to me, fly little bird, won’t you try?
Try little bird, lie to me, lie little bird, won’t you fly?

Mockingbirds hide their nest deep in the forest
And mimic the others in song,
Rumors will tell you I cannot be trusted.
Who said the rumors are wrong?

Your mother had beauty, your father had honor
And neither had been you much help
But I am a mockingbird, lurking in shadows,
And now you have nobody else.

Hounds, they are vicious and loyal and brutal
And won't back away from a fight
Hounds never let go of prey once they find it
I think the hounds must be right

I've learned by the hard way to never take pity,
No quarter, no prisoners here
And I am a monster, yes, just like my brother
But you have worse monsters to fear.