(To the tune of “The Boxer” by Simon and Garfunkel)

I am just a fangirl, and my story’s seldom told,
I have squandered all my hours
On a kindleful of yaoi, such are interwebz:
All cats and porn. Still, a girl reads what she wants to read
And other things she scorns.

When i wrote and published a WIP, i was no more than a n00b
In the company of ficcers,
In the silence of that comment section, no one wrote.
Waiting still, i would prowl the realms of LJ, seek the kink memes with a will,
Hunting for the new prompts waiting to be filled.

Asking only for some comments, I went posting up a fic,
but I got no feedback,
Just a “come review my game” from spammer viruses.
And as you’d think, there were times
when I was desperate enough to click that link.

Now I look at all my working drafts, and I’m wishing I was done, signing off
Where the cruel anons that bug me will not yell at me
Telling me
Delete your blog

In the forum stands a fangirl and a writer by her trade
and she carries the reminder of every concrit written in a comment till she cried out,
in her anger and her shame,
but the orphaned fic remains