Archive for the ‘Based on English tune’ Category

Diggy Diggy Spice

יום שני, אפריל 29th, 2024

מאת: תמיר בוכשטב
למנגינת: Diggy Diggy Hole מאת The Yogscast

!Brothers of the sierch rejoice
.Run, run from the storm
!Raise your hook and raise your voice
.Call, call, call the worm
,Deep and deep into the sand
?Who knows what lies in this land
,Monsters, fremen, Spice and more
.Hidden in the desert store

.Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone
.Raised on the rock, the safety of our mountain home
,Skin hid in layers, grit in our bones
,To dig and dig makes us free
!Come on brothers sing with me

,I am a Paul and I'm digging a Spice
.Diggy, diggy Spice, diggy, diggy Spice
,I am a Paul and I'm digging a Spice
.Diggy, diggy Spice, diggy, diggy Spice


The Waze

יום שני, אפריל 29th, 2024

מאת: תמיר בוכשטב
למנגינת: The Way מאת Fastball

,They entered the car
,And they started driving
.They plain forgot the phone at home that day
,An exit to eternal back street rumbling
?But why were they driving without ever turning on Waze

,"They put it on "drive
,Got out of the parking
.Their destination not a far off place
,They met the jam ahead
,With no one moving
?Why were they driving without ever turning on Waze

,Anyone can see the street that they've entered a solid block
,And it's never moving
.They won't get to work
,They'll never get past it
.They'll never get to the store
,You can hear their carhorn echoing off the swerve
,They won't make it home
.Till a quarter past twelve
,They were in a hurry
.They didn't know what's in store, in store


Darth Vader

יום ראשון, אפריל 28th, 2024

מאת: תמיר בוכשטב
למנגינת: Ma Baker של להקת Boney M

,He was the meanest Sith
.Across the kessel run
,He was the meanest Sith
.He blew up Alderaan
,He had no limbs at all
.No no no limbs at all
,He was the meanest Sith
.His heart was broken clean
,He left his children flat
.For he was part machine

!Darth Vader! Abandoned his son
!Darth Vader! He killed Obi-Wan
!Darth Vader! Forgot how to cry
!Darth Vader, but he knew how to diiiiiie


ג'וני בידוד

יום ראשון, אפריל 28th, 2024

מאת: תמיר בוכשטב
למנגינת: Johnny B. Good של Chuck Berry

עמוק בתל אביב, שם בפלורנטין
בינות צלילי גיטרה לקול מואזין
היה חדרון קטן שגגו דולף
ישב לו שם ג'וני ואפו נוטף
היה לו חום גבוה וראשו כאב
תפסה אותו קורונה, מה עושים עכשיו?

שב, שב
שב ג'וני, שב, שב
שב ג'וני, שב, שב
שב ג'וני, שב, שב
שב ג'וני, שב, שב
ג'וני בידוד


Dads just wanna make puns

יום ראשון, אפריל 28th, 2024

מאת: תמיר בוכשטב
למנגינת Girls Just Wanna Have Fun של Cindy Lauper

The phone rings in the middle of the night
"?My partner asks "can you check the kid is all right
,It's dark outside"
"You know I can't see the son
.And dads, they wanna make pu-uns
.Oh dads, they wanna make puns

,I wake up in the morning light
"?My daughter says "When you gonna stop the bad jokes
.Oh, daughter dear
I'm pink, I'll never be dun
.And dads, they wanna make pu-uns
.Oh dads, they wanna make puns

That's all the really want, make puns
When the tail is told and spun
.Oh dads, they wanna make puns
Oh dads, they wanna make, they just wanna, they just wanna

.Dads, they wanna make puns
Dads, they wanna make

Somebody tells a terrible joke
And make everyone in the entire house groan
?Why beer cans jump"
"They're full of hops like a bun
.And dads, they wanna make pu-uns
.Oh dads, they wanna make puns

Overwhelmed by the Chores

יום ראשון, אפריל 28th, 2024

מאת: תמיר בוכשטב
למנגינת Serenade From the Stars של Steve Miller Band

,Did you clear the room
?Is the mess all around you
?Did you clean the dishes
.I'm overwhelmed by the chores

,Get up, get up
,Get up and make the coffee
.We're half alseep, and there's work to be done



Poor Impulse Control

יום שלישי, אפריל 13th, 2021

TTTO "rich fantasy lives" by Tom Smith and Rob Balder:

That guy in the store,
Buying yarn by the score
With a fever that I think that we know
With his hunched look of guilt;
There's a half-finished quilt
In his bag, and three skeins of merino.

As he unpacks his order,
Which he can't afford,
He'll sigh, feeling worn and defeated.
And the walls of the room
Strain to hold spindles, looms,
And projects that won't be completed

Poor impulse control
When fiber craft calls, he is held in its thrall.
Half-finished tapestries, unravelled shawls,
Speak of poor impulse control.

The QA you hear frown
From three cubicles down
Has scrolled now for two solid hours
She tried not to be grabbed –
But a (1) in the tab
Is holding her under its power.

It sings her a song
Of some guy who is wrong
On the net and must now be corrected.
She will close the tab, then
Have it open again
In a span of time barely detected.

Poor impulse control
She tries not to fall into feeding the trolls.
Her emails unread while the net takes its toll
Of her poor impulse control.

We do what we can
But whatever we plan
There's nothing but chaos behind it
The brains we have got
More often than not
Will grab onto joy where they find it

So don't be unkind
To your struggling mind;
Work with what you have, not against it.
Take care of yourselves
And make room on your shelves
For the days when your resolve is tested…

Poor impulse control
We need to feel whole in our spirit and soul
And sometimes that means extra cinnamon rolls
Poor impulse control

Smut on the AO3

יום שלישי, מרץ 2nd, 2021

To the tune of "Nuts from the Hazel Tree" by Echo's Children

Recording from OVFF 2019

When I was young I used to look for fanfic on the net
Geocities, long disclaimers, terms that I forget
Browsing with a mighty greed
Now we can fulfil our need
n00b and BNF both read
Smut on the AO3

Websites, they take away
Fic in fandoms small and random.
Now our gay fanfic stays!
Smut on the AO3

I used to post on FF.N, but then they banned my fic.
LJ had the Strikethru and cut writers to the quick.
We’re no longer here alone
With the Archive of Our Own
We can write how werewolves bone
Smut on the AO3

Advertizers pay good cash for websites with good hits.
Free sites sell your information, every single bit.
For the servers we must pay.
If you can, donate today!
Let nobody take away
Smut on the AO3

I come to feast my eyes upon the wealth of written word
Now and then a vid is viewed, or podfics can be heard
Everybody now can give
Work that is transformative
Where in peace our slash can live –
Smut on the AO3

The Fangirl

יום שישי, פברואר 5th, 2021

(To the tune of “The Boxer” by Simon and Garfunkel)

I am just a fangirl, and my story’s seldom told,
I have squandered all my hours
On a kindleful of yaoi, such are interwebz:
All cats and porn. Still, a girl reads what she wants to read
And other things she scorns.

When i wrote and published a WIP, i was no more than a n00b
In the company of ficcers,
In the silence of that comment section, no one wrote.
Waiting still, i would prowl the realms of LJ, seek the kink memes with a will,
Hunting for the new prompts waiting to be filled.

Asking only for some comments, I went posting up a fic,
but I got no feedback,
Just a “come review my game” from spammer viruses.
And as you’d think, there were times
when I was desperate enough to click that link.

Now I look at all my working drafts, and I’m wishing I was done, signing off
Where the cruel anons that bug me will not yell at me
Telling me
Delete your blog

In the forum stands a fangirl and a writer by her trade
and she carries the reminder of every concrit written in a comment till she cried out,
in her anger and her shame,
but the orphaned fic remains

don't forget to wash your hands

יום שישי, פברואר 5th, 2021

Do not forget to wash your hands

It puts us all in danger

You will be given reprimands

And scowling looks from strangers.

If you don't have a sink, it's wise

To do your best to sanitize…

Do not forget to wash your hands.

And mind your manners, lest illness overtake the land,

And don't forget to wash your hands!

Make proper use of PPE

To stave away diseases

Take off your gloves when you go pee

Put masks on for your sneezes!

And though you're lonely and upset

Don't buy any mosquito nets…

Make proper use of gloves and masks.

And mind your manners…

Do not go out into the street

Unless you have good reason

Except for meds or food to eat

Just wait until next season.

If seven hundred folks get sick

You'd be known as a giant prick…

Do not go out into the street.